Powered & Led by Women in Pharma®
Since its inception in 2023, Mentor ISPE has matched over 700 ISPE members.
Women in Pharma's commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion expands beyond wish lists and future goals with Mentor ISPE. This innovative mentorship program, designed by members, for members, sets out to redefine the relationship between mentors and mentees by expanding your network beyond your local community.
This virtual mentorship program will allow the international mentoring groups to learn from one another, grow professionally and personally, ignite social change, and Shape the Future of Pharma.
Mentor Group Roles
Mentor ISPE groups consist of a mix of industry professionals and students. Each group will have a senior industry professional acting as the Mentor and someone assisting the Mentor as the Moderator.
The focus of these groups should be on building relationships, sharing knowledge, and discussing common topics of interest. This structure provides an opportunity for experienced professionals to mentor others while also allowing students and recent graduates to contribute fresh perspectives on the future workforce.
University/College students pursuing a major that is suited for a job in the pharmaceutical industry and have an interest to learn more about this industry. Students interested in becoming a member are encouraged to email ask@ispe.org to ask about the FARRAR Mentor ISPE Student Sponsorship.
Recent Graduates (1-5 years)
Recent graduates with less than five years of experience within the pharmaceutical industry looking to share their experiences and learn from students and professionals with more experience.
Mid-Career Professionals (5-15 years)
Professionals with 5-15 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry looking to share their experience and learn from students and other professionals.
Executive Level Professionals (15+ years)
Professionals with 15+ years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry looking to share their experience and learn from students and other professionals.
Mentor ISPE Application Process
Complete your ISPE Engage profile. Make sure your contact information is up to date, add a recent professional profile picture, expand on your bio and import your education and job history information from LinkedIn. Having a complete and accurate profile is crucial to the success of selection and matching. Profile complete? Return back to this page and move on to step 2.
Are you looking to be a mentor or mentee? Perhaps both? Sign up:
Make selections for each of the program demographics to set your preferences. Demographics include: topics, career background, level of experience, time zones, and professional interests. Please not that some fields are required for enrollment. The more information you provide, the easier it will be to make the best match. Keep in mind in order to request a mentor or mentee, your ISPE Membership must be up-to-date.
Use the Mentor Program Directory to input your search criteria. Start by selecting the topic(s) of interest which include:
- Mentor or Mentee
- Career Background
- Time Zones
You can also take advantage of features to help you find and recruit matches:
- Track your mentoring relationships
- Participate in discussion forums on mentoring topics
- Search for helpful mentoring resources
2024-2026 Mentor ISPE Core Committee, Power and Led by Women in Pharma®
Mentor ISPE FAQs
The Mentor ISPE Application is now open on ISPE Engage, a member-exclusive forum. You can find it here: Mentor ISPE Application Process - International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering
The Mentor ISPE group members including mentor, moderator and mentee agree to keep the discussions withing group meetings confidential. They will not discuss items mentioned in group mentoring sessions outside of Mentor ISPE forum. They will be aware that the sensitive information cannot be disclosed and are mindful of personal biases or cultural values.
Personal Biases or Cultural Values to be mindful of, though not limited:
- Personal space, eye-contact, body language, gestures, handling & display of emotions, courtesy, manners.
- Leadership Style, decision making and problem solving.
- Perceptions of health, mental health, illness and disability.
- Demographics, patterns of superior and subordinate role in relation to status by age, gender, identity and orientation.
- Emotional Intelligence
- Religion
Code of Ethics:
- We are all equal participants in this circle, and can both learn and teach one another through open conversations, shared responsibilities, and trust.
- Confidentiality is essential for building trust and support, and this is truly a circle of trust. By participating in this program, we will all contribute to building that trust and maintaining conversations had within the circle private.
- We will create a zone free of judgement and allow our circle to speak freely so that we may learn from one another, respectfully challenge each other, and grow both professional and personally.
- By participating in this group, we remain committed to exploring a range of perspectives. We will ask each other to weigh-in on what we think our friends / parents / children / colleagues / managers/ employees would say in response to situations, thoughts, and actions.
- We will listen intently, objectively, and compassionately and provide support and advice without directives, understanding there are multiple ways to handle any given situation correctly.
- We will provide advice with the caveat of what might work for us as individuals, understanding it may not translate across the circle.
- We will provide advice on subjects that which we are confident and ask questions freely and without fear of discourse for subjects that which we are still exploring.
- We will protect Mentor ISPE assets and engage constructively in Mentor ISPE group/individual activities.
- We remain committed to helping each other grow professionally and personally and provide insight to contribute to our individual and group ability to make an impact and Shape the Future of Pharma.
Code of Conduct:
- We are all equal participants in this circle, and can both learn and teach one another through open conversations, shared responsibilities, and trust.
- Confidentiality is essential for building trust and support, and this is truly a circle of trust. By participating in this program, we will all contribute to building that trust and maintaining conversations had within the circle private.
- We will create a zone free of judgement and allow our circle to speak freely so that we may learn from one another, respectfully challenge each other, and grow both professional and personally.
- By participating in this group, we remain committed to exploring a range of perspectives. We will ask each other to weigh-in on what we think our friends / parents / children / colleagues / managers/ employees would say in response to situations, thoughts, and actions.
- We will listen intently, objectively, and compassionately and provide support and advice without directives, understanding there are multiple ways to handle any given situation correctly.
- We will provide advice with the caveat of what might work for us as individuals, understanding it may not translate across the circle.
- We will provide advice on subjects that which we are confident and ask questions freely and without fear of discourse for subjects that which we are still exploring.
- We will protect Mentor ISPE assets and engage constructively in Mentor ISPE group/individual activities.
- We remain committed to helping each other grow professionally and personally and provide insight to contribute to our individual and group ability to make an impact and Shape the Future of Pharma.
Contact the Mentor ISPE program for more information
Sponsorship Opportunity
Interested in sponsoring student members or recent graduates on their career journey? Email tjohnson@ispe.org for more information on how you can get involved with Mentor ISPE.
Thank You to Our 2024 Student Sponsor