As regulatory agencies invite public comment on a new or revised regulation or guidance they look to ISPE for input on the latest scientific and technical developments. ISPE submits official comments when we can provide that scientific/technical input.
ISPE’s commenting process is overseen by ISPE’s Regulatory Steering Council (RSC). The RSC welcomes inquiries from ISPE members or groups who wish to comment on a document through ISPE.
- The RSC determines whether the document falls within the scope of ISPE commentary
- A team of subject matter experts are convened to lead the comment development
- Final comments are vetted by ISPE regulatory leadership prior to submission
View Past Comments View Commenting Calendar
Commenting Guidelines:
- Comments should provide technical, scientific feedback to help the agency improve the document, and must include sound justification for any suggested change(s). Language appropriate for a business interaction should be used.
- Comments must be specific and include language that could be substituted for what the regulators propose. For example, a comment of “This is unclear” without providing an explanation and proposed replacement language will generally be eliminated.
- Comments should be limited to what is in contained in the document and should not introduce additional regulations to the document. Comments proposing additional regulations will be eliminated from consideration.
- Identify either the line or section on which you are commenting. In most cases the comment template will provide the structure.
- Provide the information requested in each column of the comment template. Comments lacking any requested information will be eliminated from consideration.
- If the incorrect grammar in a document could result in a misinterpretation of the requirements, then please note it. If not, and if there are many grammatical errors, a single suggestion that the “…grammar should be reviewed and edited as necessary prior to issuance of the final document” is an appropriate comment to be made one time.
- When making reference to other regulations/guidance, be specific and provide the official title and publication date where relevant either within the text or as a footnote.
- The ability to comment on draft regulations is an individual Member benefit; the comments you submit are assumed to be your own, rather than those of your company. Comments submitted on behalf of a company should be identified as such. In the rare case where ISPE receives only comments from one company, they will be considered only if the company is not also submitting the comments to the agency,
- Comments that are submitted to ISPE as “on behalf of” an ISPE Technical Community (Community of Practice) must be approved by the chair or co-chair of that community. Only one set of comments will be accepted as “on behalf of” an ISPE Technical Community.
- Check and correct grammar, punctuation and spelling before submitting for review. Comments should be publication-ready when you are done.
For more information or to suggest a document for comment, contact