Automation Isn’t Automatic: Strategy for Designing and Building a Fully Autonomous Laboratory
Learning Level: Intermediate
Time: 1000 - 1130 EDT
Session Length: 1.5 hours
Designing a fully automated lab requires insight and detailed planning to meet the business requirements in order to deliver on the project goal. Humans have an incredible ability to adapt to changes and challenges by assimilating data and input from various factors simultaneously, robots don’t. In this presentation, Agilent along with SwissCat+ will describe a case study and real life example of designing and building a fully automated laboratory for an analytical laboratory.
Lab automation not only improves efficiency, but also helps to minimize human errors. We have included three topics in this session. The first two topics cover implementation of automated QC testing in GMP environment. The third one shows a fully automated analytical research lab. The panelists will share their success stories and challenges, followed by roundtable discussions.
Learning Objective
- Implementation of split robotic to replace manual splitting of QC samples. Aim is to Relieve employee and create time for other tasks, Improve quality and traceability, create awareness for robotics and new technologies. Mid term using the robotic as trigger to make things differently and shorten lead time of the process. Project scope: Automation of splitting of vials for the QC labs. In Pilot phase for vials produced in PKAU in Kaiseraugst. But split robotic is scalable for Vials produced at CMOs or handled at other Roche sites.
- Automating endotoxin testing in a GMP environment. Roche has implemented an automated endotoxin system (Lonza PyroTec® PRO) in commercial QC microbiology. The key drivers for the implementation were to reduce ergonomic risk, save time and resources, increase data integrity, simplify training, digitilization and digital data flow and increase the right-first-time rate. In this session the strategic approach to implementation and conclusions from routine testing shall be shared and discussed.
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