September / October 2024

Meet the ISPE Staff: Wendy McGhee

Meet the ISPE Staff: Wendy McGhee

In each issue of Pharmaceutical Engineering®, we introduce a member of the ISPE staff who provides ISPE members with key information and services. Meet Wendy McGhee, Health Authority Outreach Manager in the Regulatory Operations group.

Tell us about your role at ISPE: What do you do each day?

Overall, my role is heavy in professional writing, project management, and relationship building. It requires strong communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills to convey ideas, manage tasks, and cultivate productive relationships. I manage various ISPE initiatives, including ISPE’s regulatory commenting, which is a member benefit.

The Publications team and I work closely together to ensure draft ISPE guides are reviewed for regulatory compliance. I collaborate with the Training team to develop training for regulatory agencies. Finally, I am responsible for coordinating requests for regulatory speakers to speak at ISPE conferences and events held by Chapters, Affiliates, webinars, and Communities of Practice.

What do you love about your job?

What I love the most is my job working at conferences. I love the energy, the teamwork, wearing many hats, the members, the regulators—everything about it.

I thrive on the challenges that come with my job. I enjoy the opportunity to collaborate with my colleagues and contribute to our collective goals. I am a lifelong learner, and I am grateful for the opportunity to continually develop my skills and knowledge.

What do you like to do when you are not at work?

My goal is to read as much as possible on weeknights to stay current with quality and regulatory activities. In addition, it is helpful to me when I am engaging with members and regulators. It is not uncommon for me to be on the go every weekend with friends or family members. I enjoy attending local events in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, such as festivals and shows, and my husband and I also have a camper so we can take our dogs on excursions. Additionally, I am active in my local community.