Updated GAMP® GPG Incorporates AI and Open-Source Software
Cover: The landscape of clinical trials has been transformed in a post-pandemic world. The first edition of the ISPE GAMP® Good Practice Guide: Validation and Compliance of Computerized GCP Systems and Data – Good eClinical Practice was issued in 2017. In July 2024, ISPE released the second edition [1] which addresses managing the complexities associated with an uptick in decentralized clinical trials, the benefits and challenges of using open-source software, the use of data science and AI in clinical trials, data privacy, and data processing.
A GAMP® Approach to Computerized System Life Cycle and IT Process Records
Feature: This article describes a practical and pragmatic approach to the management of computerized system life cycle and information technology (IT) process records. The objective is to effectively achieve and maintain compliant GxP-regulated systems that are fit for intended use, and to support patient safety, product quality, and data integrity.
Removing the Frustration from Functional Risk Management
Feature: ISPE GAMP® 5: A Risk Based Approach to Compliant GxP Computerized Systems (Second Edition), section 2.1.4 states “Quality Risk Management (QRM) is a systematic process for the identification, assessment, control, communication, mitigation, and review of risks.”
Production Systems: The Role of AI and ML in Efficiency and Innovation
Technical: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) into bioprocess development represents a rapid shift in the way discovery, development, optimization, and production of biological products are approached.
Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence in Drug Target Discovery
Technical: The intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and drug development has ushered in a transformative era, revolutionizing the way researchers approach biomarker/target identification, drug/target interactions, and drug-like molecule design. Rooted in an interdisciplinary fusion of computer science, statistics, and biology, AI in the life sciences seeks to unravel intricate biological phenomena through systematic assimilation, analysis, and interpretation of expansive and diverse datasets.
Packaging and Handling Processes: Reevaluating Transfer of RTU Containers into Grade A
Technical: At first glance, ready-to-use (RTU) primary packaging material (tub systems) give production lines more flexibility and reduce container preparation complexity for aseptic fill/finish operations. However, the aseptic introduction of RTU tub systems requires a thoroughly designed transfer process to avoid contamination of the sterile RTU items and the aseptic core.