2022 Volunteer Spotlight: Affiliates/Chapters & WIP

Meet volunteers from Affiliates/Chapters and Women in Pharma®.
South Central Chapter

Dwayne has been an active member of ISPE since 2018. He has served as the South-Central Chapter President for the past two years. He hit the ground running building a solid leadership team to expand across the region, facilitating chapter growth, and bringing in new members. Dwayne and his leadership team have grown the South-Central Chapter membership base from 155 members to 263 members since 2020. Dwayne’s energy and enthusiasm have invigorated the Chapter and we are all thankful for his time and dedication to ISPE. He is currently the Director of Technical Services, Mountain States- South at CAI.
Canada Affiliate

Entela has been an active ISPE member since 2014. She was the founder of the ISPE Canada Affiliate Emerging Leaders Committee. She is the Canada Affiliate Secretary and her position on the board reflects all her contributions. She has been a huge contributor to all the events organized and accomplishments achieved by ISPE Canada Affiliate. She volunteers in the marketing committee, events committee, and emerging leaders committee. Entela is an inspiring leader and has helped steer all these committees to meet their objectives and create new initiatives. Entela is a Plant Engineer at GlaxoSmithKline Montreal.
Ireland Affiliate

Adrienne has been an active member of ISPE since 2003. During that time, she became an active member of the Ireland Affiliate and recently assumed the leadership of the membership subcommittee with a specific focus on increasing the number of student members in the Affiliate. Adrienne has been instrumental in setting up three student chapters with two additional chapters identified for 2022 and serves as a Student Advisor. Through the introduction of the student chapters the student membership in Ireland has increased 3-fold over the year 2021 and this has been a result of the work and dedication that Adrienne has given to focusing on and delivering the student chapters and the engagement with the academic leaders in the institutions targeted for the introduction of same. The Ireland Affiliate expects to continue to grow its student membership as the student chapters are built further in the coming year. Currently, she is a Senior Lecturer at Technological University Dublin.

Mick has been an active member of ISPE since 2017. Mick is the GAMP Ireland COP Chair and has engaged with European and Global GAMP committees and prepared a business plan to invigorate GAMP Ireland COP, as it has struggled in the last few years. The new business plan is closely aligned with ISPE Ireland Affiliate events. Mick is also the IT expert for the ISPE Ireland Affiliate. He has been instrumental in setting up and running the virtual platforms for ISPE Ireland Affiliate for the last two years. This has been so successful that ISPE Ireland Affiliate has increased membership by approximately 8% since the COVID era began. The affiliate is now planning to run many of its events as hybrid options, as well as offering a comprehensive range of engagement options for our Sponsors. None of this would be possible without Mick's dedication and commitment to research, selecting, and implementing the best options. The Ireland Affiliate describes Mick as the epitome of what a volunteer should be, and they feel very fortunate to have him involved with their affiliate. He is the Co-Founder & MD at IRLCA Life Sciences.
France Affiliate

Michel has been an active member of ISPE since 2003. He co-founded the local technical community, GAMP.fr, a French-speaking forum, in 2007. Michel joined the France Affiliate board in 2006 and has served as the Secretary of ISPE France Affiliate since 2012. During that time, he has managed a specific working group regarding Serialization (Serialization in Europe according to Directive 2011/62 EU implemented by manufacturers) who published the guide, “Ten Frequently Asked Questions about Serialization.” Currently, Michel is the Consulting Validation & Services Director at PROGMP SAS. Michel is an e-compliance expert and Consulting Validation & Services Director of PROGMP, a consulting, engineering, and validation company.

Jean François has been an active member of ISPE since 2002. Jean Francois has been involved in many ISPE working groups and committees including Chair of PIC/S Annex 2 commenting groups, Chair of Draft 7 (2017) Annex 1 commenting process 2018 presentation in Rome Conference, Panel discussion with regulators, Chair of Draft 12 (2020) Annex1 Commenting group. He has served as the President of ISPE France Affiliate and is now the France Affiliate Vice President. Jean François has contributed countless hours to ISPE on an international and local level and his dedication is sincerely appreciated.

Yves has been an active member of ISPE since 2001. He is a Co-founder of GAMP.fr, a French-speaking forum, in 2007. Yves has been a member of the ISPE France Affiliate board since 2006 and is also a member of the GESC. He has contributed to the publishing of the French versions of GAMP4 and GAMP5. He is a member of the ISPE IT infrastructure SIG and currently a Director with Kereon AG.
Women in Pharma®

Gaelle has been an active member of ISPE since 2021. She is the San Diego Chapter WIP Chair and has done an amazing job of continuing to grow the WIP initiative. She hosted an incredible joint event between the San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco Chapters, with a local gathering and speaker in each location. This was the first in-person educational event since the Pandemic started for the San Diego Chapter.
Logistically it was a challenge, but she led the effort seamlessly. Gaelle hosted the weekly meetings and helped arrange and organize covid requirements while supporting the other two chapters as well. Countless meetings went into planning this event, many of which took place during evenings and weekends and took a very large amount of Gaelle's time. She did a great job keeping everyone organized and on track and the event went off without a hitch! She is already planning the next WIP event for the California region and does almost all WIP planning without a committee of volunteers to help her! The San Diego Chapter considers her rockstar in their book. Currently, she is a Director of Manufacturing at Evofem Biosciences.

Julia has been an active member of ISPE since 2002. She has been a committed and longstanding member of the Singapore Affiliate as their Women in Pharma Chair. According to the Singapore Affiliate, she inspires all with her gentle and wise counsel and she has employed her experience as a seasoned judge of the Singapore Affiliate Poster and Hackathon competitions. Currently, she is a Director & Senior Consultant at Geean Pte Ltd.

Tanya has been an active member of ISPE since 2019. Tanya is a member of the Women in Pharma (WIP) Steering Committee and the CASA Chapter. The WIP Steering committee collaborates on new and innovative ideas to promote the mission of ISPE worldwide. Tanya has spearheaded the concept of the WIP Think Tank, which allows WIP to embrace its full potential as a professional community creating an opportunity for women, specifically, to communicate their technical expertise and discuss complex topics, paving the way for future collaborations. She represents ISPE and Women in Pharma with unparalleled enthusiasm. Currently, she is a Partner at Assurea LLC.