ISPE Affiliate Czech Republic/Slovakia
Affiliate Chair
Masaryk University, Pharmaceutical faculty, Brno, Czech Republic
He is responsible, as senior manager, for solving GMP issues in project of New Pharmaceutical faculty facility BioPharma Hub in Masaryk University Campus in Brno City. It is huge project supported by Czech government as strategic project.
Over last 25 years he was founder and leader Pharmaceutical Engineering company involved in lot of pharma projects around the word.
Historically employed in pharmaceutical company produced final dosage form and API as technical director more as 20 years.
He has experience in strategic capital investment planning, designing of pharmaceutical facilities, staff training and more skills necessary for pharmaceutical companies.
He is formally retired, but Masaryk University select him as useful person for managing of new project BioPharma Hub as new base for pharmaceutical faculty.
He is ISPE member since 1996.