Cenk Undey, PhD

Biopharmaceuticals Digital Executive
Dr. Undey headed up the Pharmaceutical Technical Development Data & Digital organization in Roche/Genentech. He was responsible for strategizing, architecting and delivering major digital and data programs and solutions for both PTD and PT Cell & Gene Therapy to accelerate speed to patient and increase productivity during drug development and advancement. Prior to his current role, he led the Operations Digital Strategy and Capabilities Advanced Analytics team at Amgen. His group helped improve end-to-end Operations for Reliability, Efficiency, Agility and Differentiation harnessing the power of digital capabilities including Industry 4.0, machine learning, statistical learning and digital twins. Dr. Undey and his team’s work were externally recognized receiving CIO100 Award in Life Sciences in 2013 for Amgen implementing advanced data analytical solutions. He has co-authored and co-edited two books, published in scientific journals and books in the areas of process systems engineering, PAT, artificial intelligence, process monitoring, control, supervision, biotechnology and bioengineering. He has received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees all in Chemical Engineering from Istanbul University, Turkey. He also holds an Executive MBA degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, Anderson School of Management. Dr. Undey is based in the South San Francisco, CA, USA.